Am I even doing this right?

Published on 21 February 2023 at 17:48

I’m going to go ahead and fire this one off as a sort of test launch.  I think I have said more than once that I have no idea what I am doing with this whole blog/ website thing. It has truly been a shot in the dark, and I fully expect to find myself making changes and figuring things out as I move along.  The fact is, I have been stuck for days on how to set up this whole blog portion of the whole thing.  I am hoping that this little blurb at least points me in the right direction.  I am not sure if I have the ability to add the feature where comments are able to be left with any post.  Until I figure that all out, I would gladly invite any comments, feedback, input or advice to be sent by email to .  Maybe someone will send a note to say they are seeing this thing come alive.


I am still at a loss with regard to how, or even when to publicize and promote this whole endeavor.  At present, less than ten people have been given the site address.  I could use a little direction on how or where to promote and invite readership.


Okay.  I will say this is enough to post for this little trial run.  I wonder if I will even keep this first post after I get my bearings and figure out exactly what the heck I'm doing.


So, are you seeing this?  Does my new email here work? I will look forward to what kind of response this may or may not get.

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2 years ago

I’m so tickled you finally decided to do this ! Looking forward to more !

2 years ago

Yes it works. I could not see where to vote for the blog post slippery rocks and i wanted to give it 5 stars because it made me think.

You are a beautiful writer and I admire your ability.