A Note About the Title
I like my work to be cleverly titled. Sometimes the title is where I begin. Sometimes the title comes out of the work itself. I always make the title enjoyable and have a direct reference or image conveying something expressive of the content. I am especially fond of a title with some literary reference, a snippet from a song, or an homage to another work. The title I have chosen for this blog came first. I knew what I wanted and scanned my brain to find what was said just right. I hope you will agree.
This blog takes its name from a lyric in an old 80's radio hit. The song "What I Am" was done by Edie Brickell and New Bohemians. For context, the line in the song goes, "philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks; religion is a light in the fog." I like how that little piece of that line sums up what I will do as this blog develops. I will take risks, sharing some deeply personal and highly controversial material. The stories I will share may be offensive, uncomfortable, or unpalatable. They may or may not be believable. They may even be remembered differently by someone who may have been present or participatory. That might even be my intention. I will take my chances on the reception this may get.
I look forward to taking this walk. I expect to fall more than once as I cross the stream of these memories, but before it ends, I will find myself, along with anyone else who reads along, on the other side. I will have completed my walk across the slippery rocks.